Strike Commander Version F1.2 ----------------------------- The INTEL CD-ROM FOR RETAILERS contains this demonstration version of ORIGIN's STRIKE COMMANDER. Before Installation ------------------- Free up enough memory to play and install STRIKE COMMANDER... The game requires a lot of free DOS memory and 2.5MB extended memory. You may find it useful to create a DOS BOOT DISK from the disk image found in the \STRIKE\BOOTFD directory. Simply copy all the files from this directory to an empty floppy diskette, (make it a system disk using SYS a:) place it in your computer and re-boot the system. You should then have enough free memory to first run INSTALL and then to play the game (SC.EXE). To Install ---------- Run INSTALL.EXE Select CHANGE THE H/W CONFIGURATION Choose appropriate options for your sound card Run SC.EXE Flying ------ Files *.DOC contain flying instructions in appropriate languages.